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As well as communicating my passion for marine life through videos and photos I've also been featured on TV (SKY, BBC, ITV & S4C) from being an interviewee to presenting along with Radio interviews as well as writing as a book contributor and articles/blogs:
September 2022:  S4C HANSH - Heli yn y Gwaed 
Interviewed feature about diving in Wales, with sharks and being an underwater videographer
Produced by BOOM Cymru
September 2021:  S4C Heno 'Morwellt
Co-presented a feature with Owain Tudur Jones about Seagrass in Wales.  
Produced by Tinopolis
July 2021:  S4C Cynefin
Diving the Seagrass at Porthdinllaen
Underwater filming carried out by
Dan Dŵr Cymru Dive team
July 2021:  S4C Heno 'Môr Bwysig' 
Presented a feature about diving and Marine life off the Welsh coast. 
Produced by Tinopolis
March 2021:  ITV Coast & Country
Seagrass habitats & diving off the Welsh Coast
September 2020 -
BBC The One Show 'British Sharks' 
October 2019:  ITV Coast & Country
Diving & Angelsharks off the Welsh Coast
Books / Magazines 

SCUBA magazine (March 2023) - Shark Diving in Wales (Author) 

Scuba diver magazine article cover

SCUBA magazine (Dec 2022) - Q&A with Jake Davies (Author) - read here

Scuba Diver magazine article cover

SCUBA magazine (November 2021) - Angels in Wales feature (Author)

November 2021 SCUBA magazine

AbersochLife (September 2021) - The Rock Life (Co-writer)

JDScuba Abersoch life Rockpools
Wild and Temperate Sea - 50 favourite UK Dives (Contributor)
Book Available: Amazon
Wild and temperate seas book

Online Media - Articles and Blogs

Oceanographic Magazine (October 2021) -  Wales: Best of the West article

October 2021 Oceanographic magazine article
                                           ANGEL SHARKS USING BAITED REMOTE
Save Our seas Foundation 'Guardian Angels' blog


Based on Pen LlÅ·n, North Wales 


P: 07964052633

You can also get in contact and keep up to date through social media




© 2019 by JDScuba.



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Credited footage

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