JDScuba - Jake Davies is a Marine Biologist, HSE Professional scuba diver, underwater videographer (using videos and 360 clips for VR) and CAA licensed drone pilot.
About Jake Davies
Jake grew up on Pen Llŷn, North Wales and coming from a maritime family meant
that from a young age the underwater world and marine life have played a major role in his life.
Some of his earliest memories is waking up before sunrise to head out fishing with his father before school. As Jake grew older his time above and below water increased as he learned to Scuba Dive. Most weekends during the summer he's out on and under the water exploring the variety of dive sites and observing the diverse habitats along the North Wales coast. His interest in marine life and the sea led to him studying Marine Biology at Bangor University where he was successful in obtaining a year in industry with the Intertidal & Coastal team at Natural Resources Wales.
Jake is qualified as a HSE Professional Scuba diver for scientific, media purposes and inshore commercial. He is a qualified CCR rEvo diver. Recreationally qualified as a BSAC Dive Leader where he dives regularly dive as part of the Llyn Sub-Aqua Club,
As a media diver, Jake has worked as part of numerous safety dive teams such as (Marine Ecosol) filming for BBC Wales Hidden Wales with Will Millard (Lazerbeam Productions & Folk Films) and access underwater for Emmerdale He is also the Co-Director of the Welsh based Underwater filming Dive Team Dan Dwr Cymru which has filmed for S4Cs 'Pobl y Môr' - SLAM Media'and 'Cynefin' - RONDO Media.
Underwater and aerial footage which Jake has filmed off the Welsh Coast and overseas has been featured for a variety of BBC programmes such as BBC Wild Isles, Wonders of the Celtic Deep, Countryfile, BBC Wales Land of the Wild (Secrets & After Dark), ITV Coast & Country, S4C Heno.
Jake was the first person to film and Angelshark underwater off the UK, footage was shared globally on a range of media outlets from TV to Radio such as: Sky News, BBC, ITV and online articles.
He's featured on numerous TV programmes in both English and Welsh for the work he does and creating pieces for BBC Countryfile (Angelsharks, BRUVS & Seagrass), ITV Coast & Country (Seagrass), S4C (Diving the Welsh coast and specific species features). To further share his passion he also shares written content through online articles, magazines and a co-author to the Wild & Temperate Seas book written by Will Appleyard. Articles include the local magazine AbersochLife, online short articles for Neptunic & Sharks4Kids and a regular contributor to the dive magazine Scubaverse.
As well as video footage, Jake is creating a catalogue of 360 VR clips for a range of marine species and habitats to provide an immersive and engaging experience for viewers.
As well as being a HSE Scuba Diver Jake is also employed as the Technical Specialist for Project SIARC / Angel Shark Project: Wales which aims to better understand the Critically Endangered Angelshark off the Welsh Coast. He is also a Project Leader on a Save Our Seas Foundation Project to pilot the initiative of testing Baited Remote Underwater Video Cameras (BRUVs) to help better understand Angelsharks in Wales and the Canary Islands. November 2019 Jake visited Cape Town to the Shark & Marine Research Centre as a visiting researcher to find out more about the shark research using BRUVS as well as visiting the SOSF Shark Education Centre.
Through sharing underwater videos and photos of amazing and unique wildlife/habitats that are found beneath the waves along the Welsh Coast as well as abroad Jake hopes to inspire people to go beneath the waves and making the underwater world more accessible for all.
• HSE Professional Scuba (TH Diving Services Ltd)
• HSE Dive Medical
• HSE 02 Administration
• TDI CCR Mod 1 rEvo
• UK SDSC European Scientific Diver
• BSAC Dive Leader, Nitrox, Search & Rescue Diver
• CAA Licensed SUA pilot
• AIDA ** Freediver
• BSAC Boat Handling
• RYA Advanced Powerboat
• RYA Powerboat Level 2
• RYA Safety Boat
• RYA Short Range VHF
• Dayskipper (Theory)
• DAN Silver Insurance
• Full UK Driving License
• STCW Sea Survival
See Full CV or visit on LinkedIn
CREDITS - More information available on Linkedin account
•2023: S4C: HANSH Heli yn y Gwaed - Interview and footage
•2023: BBC: Wild Isles (Silverback films) - Drone and underwater
•2023: CBBC: Blue Peter - Underwater seagrass footage
•2022: S4C: Prynhawn Da - Live feature on scuba diving (Tinopolis) Co-presented and footage featured
•2022: Disney+: Shark Attack Files - Live feature on scuba diving (Red Rock Films) Footage featured
•2021: SKY : SHARK with Steve Backshall (Episode 4 British Sharks) (True to Nature): Interview and featured footage (In production).
•2021: S4C: Heno - Seagrass feature (Tinopolis) Co-presented and footage featured
•2021: S4C: Heno - 'Pysgod Perig' Feature on diving off the Welsh coast (Tinopolis) - on Camera contributor & footage featured.
•2021: S4C: 'Cynefin' Co-presented with presenter underwater in Seagrass (RONDO media) - Co-Presented.
•2021: S4C: Heno - 'Mor Bwysig' Feature on diving off the Welsh coast (Tinopolis) - Co-presenter & footage contributor.
•2021: BBC Countryfile - Interview about Baited Cameras & Angel Shark Project: Wales - featured footage of sharks & Seagrass.
•2021: BBC One Wales: Wonders of the Celtic Deep (One Tribe Productions) - Safety Diver.
•2021: BBC One Wales: Secrets of Wales Land of the Wild - (Plimsoll Productions) - Underwater footage & drone.
•2021: ITV Wales Coast & Country - Seagrass Meadows / Video contributor of Welsh marine.
•2020: BBC One Wales: Wales Land of the Wild - After Dark (Plimsoll Productions) - Underwater footage & drone.
•2020: S4C: Cymru Wyllt Gudd - Nos/Dydd (Plimsoll Productions)
Underwater footage & drone.
•2020: BBC One 'The One Show': British Shark feature as presenter, underwater and drone footage (Off The Fence Productions)
•2020: S4C Heno - Footage contributor towards 'Wild Swimming' Segment.
•2019: ITV Wales Coast & Country - Interview about Welsh marine life and Angel Shark Project: Wales / Video contributor of Welsh marine life and Angelsharks
•2019: Discovery Channels Shark Week 'Sharks Gone Wild 2' footage contributor
•2019: BBC Wales GoFish with Will Millard - Welsh marine life & Angelsharks Footage
•2019: BBC Blue Planet UK - Angelshark footage
•2019: BBC National News outlets - Angelshark footage
•2018: BBC Wales 'Hidden Wales with Will Millard' - Cameraman support diver / Video footage
•2017: BBC Countryfile Interview / Seagrass Footage

For more information on Angel Shark Project: Wales as well as Angel Shark Project: Canary Islands visit: https://angelsharknetwork.com/wales/

For more information visit the project website: https://www.projectseagrass.org/about

Could cameras help scientists understand the ecology of angelsharks in Welsh waters? Jake Davies is piloting an initiative of testing BRUVs in the Canary Islands and replicating it in Wales.’
For more information on the project page : Guardian angels